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Two types of influencers. Which one are you? Dos Tipos de Influencers. ¿Cual Eres Tu?
I've worked in the field since it was just a hobby, then it became a job everybody wanted. What I used to do for your entertainment or to...
Tips to Level Up Your INSTAGRAM Photography Game
A lot of you keep asking me who takes my photos? The list would go on and on. I've had even strangers take my photos when I'm traveling...
Your Last Dose Coachella (Festival Style and Skin Care)
Spring is exciting because we get to start dressing for summer without really suffering from the heat. That is only if you didn't go to...
July Summer Looks
This is a collections of looks you've seen me wearing on Instagram. I'm going to also list where I've gotten each item or where you can...
10 Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following Right Now
There is no doubt that Instagram has become our favorite platform with now 800 millions monthly active users. With so many users, there...
How To Use Instagram Stories To Grow Your Instagram
Users have chosen Instagram over every other social media platform to share their video and photos updates. Especially now that Instagram...
Social Media & The Future of Design
From architecture to fashion, all kinds of designers are more influenced today than ever by information from internet, specifically...
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