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Your Last Dose Coachella (Festival Style and Skin Care)

Spring is exciting because we get to start dressing for summer without really suffering from the heat. That is only if you didn't go to Chella because as fun and goals as it looks, it still an exhausting festival in the middle of the desert (Not in the actual Palm Springs because that would be a dream). This won't be a blog about Coachella (click to watch a quick IGTV Chella Sum), but I will tell you about the stuff that helped me survived before, during and after Chella.

Let me start with sneakers, what I've been wearing the most are the Reebok Classics Alter The Icons and Aztek. I just love the 90's look that they have and you know there isn't anything more comfortable than wearing athletic sneakers. Since I had other events and photoshoots during Coachella in Palm Springs I took other options such as converses and a pair of JCrew boots that look phenomenal for photos but were not the best idea to wear inside the festival. Let me just tell you, if you ever go to Chella be prepare to walk A LOT, it doesn't matter if you are willing to pay all the Ubers and bike rides, you'd still have to walk, which I didn't really mind unlike my friends. Probably because I was wearing my Reebok trainers most of the time.

Rolling Stones Limited Edition Socks: Happy Socks

Poncho is from Colombia called 'Ruana' Outfit: Express Boots: Jcrew

Tee: Express Sneakers: Reebok Classics Sunglasses: Vint & York Colombian Bag is called Mochilla Shorts: Happy Socks

As far as skin care, I'm still owing you guys a video update other than my Instagram stories with my skin regimen. For the moment, I do want to share with you products that have stuck with me since the unboxing. As a daily serum the Skin Inc 'My Daily Dose'. Night serum Double Dare 'OMG Pure Vitamin C Serum': I just really like the vitamin c feeling, you know Vitamin C is the bomb when it comes to detoxifying your body including your skin. For moisturizing, YonKa Paris for men Hydrater Age Defense's got me hooked.

SPF is extremely important, especially if you'll be out all day. I've been using Kiehls Facial Fuel UV Guard for a while now when I know I'm going to sweat and I started using since the Coachella unboxing the new Lab Series Day Rescue when I'm chilling, I'm liking the thick consistency. I will keep you updated about what stays in my regimen.


Este blog es para compartirles las cosas que me ayudaron a sobrevivir el popular festival de Coachella en California, Estados Unidos. A diferencia de lo divertido o glamuroso que pueden pensar que es, por las fotos que ven de famosos e influencers en las redes sociales. Les cuento que sigue siendo un evento en el medio del desierto, por que ni siquiera es dentro del bello Palm Springs. Aqui les dejo mi IGTV vlog que es super corto pero tiene mas visual de lo que se trata el festival.

Se me dio la oportunidad perfecta para utilizar mis prendas Colombianas favoritas. Se veian tan festives como las cosas que utilizaban otras personas sin embargo para mi tenian un significado mas profundo, ya que sabia que las ruanas y mochilas (poncho y bolsas) son algo autentico de mi pais Colombia, que poco los campesinos pensarian que estan a la moda de Coachella. Bueno no se si utilizarian estos colores.

Si alguna vez van a Coachella, preparense para mucho caminar, cosa que no molesta si estas comodo con tenis como los mios de Reebok que me tienen loco por que lucen como de los 90 y aparte son super comodos. Otros dias me puse a inventar y lleva botas que se ven bien pero son 0 comodas para este tipo de cosas.

Sobre el cuidado de la piel, arriba pueden encontrar la galeria de fotos. Para resumirles, en las extremas temperauras del desierto, es importante proteger y desintoxicar la piel. Utilice el suero de Skin Inc para el dia, y el de OMG Vitamin C de noche. Para hidratar mi cara me puse el Yonka For Men Hidrator y eso si nunca falle de progerme de los rayos del sol (imposible evitar quemarse) pero al menos siempre ponte tu bloqueador. Mi favorito para estar activo es de Kiehls y para estar tranquilo el nuevo de Lab Series que me llego aya en Coachella. Les contare pronto que esta y ha perdurado en mi regimen de cuidado de la piel.

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